“Boo,” Cassie hissed at me on the dance floor.
Rick gave tiny shakes of his head with big eyes darting to Cassie. Clearly, this wasn’t his idea.
“What?” I shrugged.
“You two are better than this. Come on, enjoy yourselves.”
“It’s your dance, not ours. Why don’t you work on cutting a rug?”
“We’re trying, but we haven’t put in the time that you two have.”
“Git gud, scrub.” Cassie had told me that often enough whenever we played games as she trounced me. It felt good to send it back to her.
Her glare tried to fire a rocket at me. But then it turned into an evil smirk. “Fine.” Taking Rick by the hand, they marched off the floor.
I shrugged as the song trailed off. I began walking Nikki back towards the punch bowl when the familiar strum of a bass began.
“Clever girl,” Nikki said.
“Too clever,” I answered, spying Cassie walking back from the DJ.
I felt Nikki’s irresistible tug on my arm, pulling me back to the dance floor as “Fever” played.
Nikki will never not dance to this, and I like it, too. Question is, how did Cassie find out?