Every culture around the world has a creation myth, flood
myth, apocalypse myth, and a vampire myth. This makes vampire mythology a
worldwide phenomenon that taps into fears and ideas universal to humanity.
First, vampires exploit the fear of
the dead rising from the grave. Like many myths, there is something
historically accurate about this idea. Ancient peoples, lacking sophisticated
medical knowledge and equipment, could mistake unconscious states for death
only for the deceased to wake up, sometimes after being buried!
Blood as a source of life was
well-known to ancient peoples, so it was not difficult to imagine as a means to
bring death back to life. Unearthed corpses could also exhibit a reddish liquid
around the mouth.
Mythology connects appetite to the
ideas of life and death. Stories of Persephone and Izanami becoming trapped in
the underworld after eating its native food establish the connection to death.
Likewise, eating is linked to the idea of immortality through the Tree of Life
in the Garden of Eden, the golden apples of the Norse goddess Idun, and the
peaches of China.
Jewish: Lilith (Talmudic tradition). Adam’s
first wife wanted to be on top (yes, in that way) and became mother of demons
and stealer of children. Often attributed as the first vampire or succubus.
Hindu: Kali. Goddess of time, death, and change.
Kali is both feared and venerated. Her great appetite for blood allowed her to defeat
the demon Raktabija, saving the world.
Greek: Persephone. Queen of the underworld. Half
dead and half alive. Kidnaped by Hades (later marrying him), she ate
pomegranate seed in the underworld. Spends half the year in the underworld.
Japanese: Izanami. Creation goddess who died
during childbirth. Trapped after eating from the underworld.
Native American: Wendigos (Algonquin) are
formerly human and associated with cannibalism. Skin-walkers (Navajo) result
from a cursed ritual. Combination of werewolves and vampires (sort of).